Thursday, May 1, 2008


24 march 2008..

do me a favour??

listen ..,
As time flying away .. i ll do exercise .. as weell..

i ll go to some good plces .. there i ll meet some gals like paris linsey etc..,
that time i ll not care for this deeepika .. for some silly reasons..

later i ll go in simple cars like audi mercides etc.,
try to make tie up with kingfisher guys ..

i ll leave drinking bacadi and jonny walkers
and all brands lill later

try to improver my spelling in tamil english german and french.. also keep wtching hindi movies for improving hindi (may be to get back that deepika again)

later mom willl find me and put me to marry .. i ll put scene and later marry if she show me a good one ...
then divorce
.. then back to normal .. realise again that the life .. and love .. both are bitches ..
then marry again to live a good life .. but i ll take care of my ex wfe as well .. if she is alone realising that i m really nice :-(

Doing good for 4 small people..(thinking nothing is wrong) then ...As a god father ..
as a best animator

leaving gym to join yoga ....

natraj,a yoga guy ask me to be in silence .. and ask me to close my eyes.. and ask me to meditate...
my eyes can still feel the ventilation.. concentarting more there the black colour speading..
utter dark into my eyes.. well i improving to hear the nothing ... i m deep into my brian .. towards an empty part ..
one pair of eyes will appear .. some beautfulll dark circles that are around the saturn
Who is hiding there???,i cant think..
going down that small nose(as if god made it onli for breathing).. and dark lips(those 4 teeth will come and shine whn under communication or under joy) ..her face ..
surrounded by cool white colour smoke
god....she is smiling at me
i know you
" still my eyes can smelll your fragrance.. long back those crazy days of the summer"
my lill heart will pain to her sugar voice.

" raja missed me ..,.long back.. "
this small eye cant hold(hide) her

she will be rolling down tring to wet my trimmed white beard ...
i don want to let u as tears ..
..come back ...

"hey raja i asked u to meditate ... u didnt ... " that nutraj willl shout at me ..

Dont let tat 50 year old guy to get scolded ...with that nutraj again ..
so onli paaaa asking now onli :):)

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Only the time answers...

One child was thrown

to try hitting harder in a place.

But child was an uncared by place after all

Even it uncared for this beautiful place.

Because a life’s basic routine and innocence really sucked more to this baby.

So if u wants it, jus grab.

The child looked beyond

what the child’s mind is worthy and unworthy really

It was looking around and dreaming around, might be.

And running for its every desires only

Whatever it is...

It matters what precious it is holding.

And also how, how and all,

it tried to hold the precious whatever it is


Its every desire was simply beaten up.

Hit by people around that beautiful place.

It was becoming worse more.

It holding a place and trying to sit better or properly, later.


The time slipped away... sitting .., daily thinking its uneasy life spent;

As a godfather,


-A famous poet

Sunday, October 28, 2007

mine is not a Hit;)

------------------------------------------------------ Mine is not at all a hit ;-)


Many days before,

I was a kid, looking around, and my lill eyes watching things

Looking at creatures like hard trees, dogs, nice flowers, thin tall females sometimes, sea for its periodic waves, men..., zebras etc..etc, , telling to people..

I ll tell by drawing a straight line, bending it, and cutting some parts, fixing it in some other sides then string the mixture, then arranging it properly again . I do until my poor straight line become perfectly irregular.

I thought it was a mess. Some people liked it!!!

Bounty of happy desires vibrating inside this child’s’ mind

Friends said "hey raja u have watched the things keenly"

Hopefully I would have become what I was doing...

Serving the people, entertaining with my straight line math, on what I am seeing around..

I realllly forgotten that where this baby was born?? :-<

I became like an engineer, oops.

Yup I did my b.e*…


*I know how my b.e was done.

It was like a straight line, bending it, and cutting some parts, fixin..... fixing it in some other sides then string the mixture, then arran……,..,,


.. But this was a real mess ;-)

Friday, October 26, 2007

the Law Of Repulsions

Law of Repulsions:

I was with people.

Me, a poor dancer

So, when would the party be soon off??

The people were dancing...

The people showing simple cloths...

So more shining

Those Hips hop till the brightness falls.


My eyes were rolling around all the obvious people alone.

I was waiting for the last sequence of the every public functions-the national anthem

I was just struggling to walk...

But inside me was dragging me towards, the attracting poles, the basic law of magnetic and electrostatic...

I met and started speaking to someone who had very nice hanging hair.

The night was growing ...the shining growing along

People pops my inside up

All strangers were together towards each other...

We were watching them.

Our eyes observing the quick steps of some people pretending the belly dance,

The pairs falling in intimacy suddenly,

Her nice hanging hair, and the number of stars...

I noticed the same again from the belly dance to her nice hair, stars... etc

I thought "dancing folks will be tired now the party would be off..."

But actually they were not ;<

They started helping each other to become tired...

I was still watching them.

My eyes observing the quick steps...

The belly dance, intimacies, and her nice hair and after... not stars this time...


She never watched the bally dance; intimacy couples, stars either. She watched none along with me....

Stupid inside me should apologies her for watching her nice hair regularly and not watching her glowing eyes which was starring at me only regularly.

The party was off then :)))


My belated consciousness woke me up

And said "Oops u did it again"

To be continued ;)